So You Want To Collect Art…

September 8, 2022

As far back as I can remember (please read that in your Goodfellas voice), I have been surrounded by art. Only realizing that it taught me how to “feel” until I got older. See, if you grew up in a Black family, you likely had a few key pieces on your walls (that you probably can’t find anymore), A cross (IYKYK), lots of paintings of Jesus (Black or otherwise) and the last supper, and maybe some pieces that looked like an Ernie Barnes piece, (you know, the ‘Good Times’ portrait, again, IYKYK) and then all of the traditional family portraits, or moments in time, as I like to call them. 

Client/Private Collector, Rashad Delph

You see, long before we understood that art (in its many mediums) was a form of therapy and that art was around to evoke feelings, our parents and grandparents were using that art as their therapy, their story to tell (so please don’t throw out Mom’s art). As times changed and we grew older, these pieces got lost and new forms of art rolled in. Black Jesus was eventually replaced with posters for some, diplomas for others, art from big box stores took up real estate in many homes, and family pictures always remained intact. Thankfully. 

And now, in the year of our Lord 2022, art has made a great resurgence, with many new and emerging artists selling out faster than ever and some of our old and beloved artists (Ernie Barnes, Gordon Parks, Carrie Mae Weems, Kwame Brathewaite to name a few) finally getting the recognition that they deserve. I am seeing more and more people diving in and buying art and I absolutely LOVE it! It has been something that I have been instilling in my family & clients for as long as I can remember, and to see more people embrace it, sparks so much joy in me. Of  course, as with anything, people are new to this and are having a hard time navigating this world, and I feel it’s my personal duty to help people swim in these waters.

One of the things I love most about art & design (creativity in general) is the intentionality behind it. An artist creates with the intention of allowing YOU, the beholder, to see the beauty in what they’ve created, but to also FEEL the feeling that they’ve poured into it. Whether it be joy, pain, nostalgia, or heartache, the artist creates with that intention. Please keep this in mind when you see, hear or feel an artist’s work. Now, armed with this knowledge, I have two (2) quick thoughts. First, we need to address the elephant in the room.


What does that mean you ask? If a form of art makes YOU feel something, then it is for you. If you look at it and can see its beauty, it is for you. If you look at, listen to, touch it and feel an intense feeling of happiness, joy, peace, or any other feeling, then it just very well might be for you. But it will not always be understood by someone else that is not YOU. So please do not set out looking for the approval of someone that hasn’t spent any time in your shoes. If you purchase with the idea/notion that “I should buy this piece of art because everyone else is buying from this hot artist” then you are buying for investment (which isn’t a bad thing either & I will talk about this in my newsletter) but you will never fully embody the artist’s reasoning for creating it, to feel. 

Client/Private Collector, Rashad Delph

And secondly, the collecting part. My collection started as a child, I collected comic books. Yes, that too, is a form of art. I loved them. I loved Archie comic books and the Calvin & Hobbes clips from the Sunday newspaper the most. I would cut them out and save them (I’ll talk more about this later). I love the little stories they told and how the artists created the characters. Little did I know that I was collecting art. As I grew older I would continue to collect things that sparked similar emotions and I would just buy things that I loved. My current collection started primarily with books, and YES, books on art, fashion, music can all be part of your collection as well. I would attend exhibits and save the cool posters they used to give out (now they sell them) at each show. There is no limit to what you can collect, because what brings YOU joy should be what you hold on to. I own sculptures or unique pieces from every place I’ve ever traveled. That is a form of artistry from that particular place, it helps me to remember my time spent there and I truly love every single piece that I own. Keep all of this in mind as you begin to curate your own personal collection.

Many of you might be new to art here and I am so glad that you’ve found my journal. Perhaps you’ve noticed that your favorite rapper/ball player is talking about art and you’ve suddenly taken an interest. Or maybe you have blank walls staring at you daily and you are looking to fill them up and you just don’t know where to start. I’m writing this for you to allow me to take you on a deeper understanding of the arts (visual, music, film, tv, fashion, etc..) and the ways it is meant to make you feel, while also raising our kids (or sharing with loved ones) to see themselves reflected in all of its beauty and giving them a peace (that’s not a typo) of therapy.

Living with art is therapy, let me be your therapist. 

Client/Private Collector, Rashad Delph

Take this therapeutic trip with me as I dive in deeper to the arts and the many mediums of its therapy in our lives. On this journey I am going to dispel a myth surrounding art collecting. And yes, I am looking at you “sayers” that say in order for a work to be “valuable” you have to spend a lot of money on it. Tsk. Tsk. After all, what is value? One’s judgment of what is important. Not the cost of it, but what it means to you.

If this interests you, I am starting a monthly newsletter. In it, I will talk about the many mediums of art, the feelings that they create, curating a collection that is so authentically and intentionally you, how we are all meant to be the gatekeepers of our cultures and so many other things. And to be clear, I did NOT go to school to write about artists and the work that they create, there are MANY MANY talented writers that already do this (Kendra Walker is a great one) and a lot of great publications that showcase this (Sugarcane Magazine is Wonderful). This is not the same thing. My newsletter is more of an art as therapy & where do I begin or go approach. I will also share artists of different mediums, upcoming exhibits/shows, great books and many many other things in this newsletter. If you’re interested, hit me up in the comments section and I will get things rolling.

As you begin your art collecting journey, I NEED you to understand ONE thing. As you collect, the most important reminder is that YOU are the beholder of the beauty that art holds. 

Namaste Friends. Xx


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